Another huge part of my life is my best friend Chad!!! Right now he is serving his mission in Johannesburg South Africa. He has been gone almost a year now I can't believe it! I am so stinkin proud of him, he loves it out there and is doing so great. Of course I'm scared to death having him there but he doesn't seem to feel any need to worry so I guess I shouldn't (I have the Willey side to thank for my worrying). Anyways for the past 11 months I have been bugging him to send me pictures. That little dork he hates to take pictures (unlike me who goes picture hungry). Well finally after playing a little trick on him I got him to send me some pictures. He looks so great. I think he's lost weight, he assures me though that he hasn't :). I'm just so proud of him! He truly is such a great example to me! He also sent some pictures of some beautiful children he gets to play with! I miss my Chadly but I'm happy to know that he is doing what he's supposed to be doing. Gotta love Missionaries!

Oh Chad! I love that boy. He really is amazing! And it looks like he's doing great. We all knew he would though, he's just that kind of a person.