This past weekend I spent pretending I was a cowgirl...and I'm pretty good at it. It started on Friday. My dad had gotten amazing tickets to the Tim McGraw concert and my parents couldn't go so my mom nicely gave the tickets to me. For a bit there I couldn't find anybody to go with but then Kevin agreed to come and Dru found a fun date so the four of us packed in my car and headed to see Tim. The concert started with amazingly good food (free with the tickets!) and then we headed to our seats (private suite!) our suite was next to the Rangler Jeans suite where there was man and two couples. Well they started talking to us before the concert and they were all really nice. A little while later they bought us popcorn just because (gotta love nice strangers!). Throughout the night the beer kept coming and so did the personalities! Lets just say that the guy became our great friend! He even jumped in our pictures! It was an amazing concert and the drunk man even made it better! It was so much fun to spend time with Kevin considering I haven't seen him in forever! Well the cowboy fun didn't stop after that! Saturday night I drove down to Provo and meet a bunch of EFY counselors for the Lehi Rodeo! It was so awesome...I seriously love rodeos so much. I drove with my new friend Jacob and we had so much fun on the way there and back (it was about a two hour drive considering we got really lost!). I dressed up for the rodeo as best I could but Jacob beat me...he had legit rangler jeans and an amazing cowboy hat! It was fun to pretend to be hicks for a weekend. I really think that I was meant to be a cowgirl but I was just born in the wrong place. All in all I had a great busy hick filled weekend!

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