Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hair and other such fun stuff....

So I realized that I haven't posted anything about my random hair changes. About a week ago I randomly died my hair brown. I used a 28 day wash out kind and after a few washes it started looking red. At first I hated it, it was so weird for me to look at myself with brown hair. After a few days it kinda grew on me. I got a lot of different responses to my hair...lots loved it...lots hated it! Well after about a week of brown hair I went and had Sydney fix it. I'm now blonde again...well sort of. I had Syd keep some of the brown so that I can make my way to my natural color some time, and good news....I love it! It's always fun for a random change!

Other exciting things that have been happening....We recently did this way fun "Amazing Race" FHE. We split into groups and ran around campus doing random things. It was a blast. Megs and I rigged our group so that we won! It was a blast. Here is a picture of one of our challenges: taking a picture with the Library worker.

Lets see what else....The other night I wasn't in the best mood, I have had a lot of things going on that has made life a little harder than usual. Carli noticed that I wasn't my usual self and so she decided to help me so we burned things!!! Carli drew pictures of the things that were bugging me and then we burned them. It was so simple and hilarious and yet it made me feel so much better. I have the best roommates in the world. I am so grateful to them and their friendship.

And considering it's been so long since I've posted here are some more pictures of somethings that have been going on for the past little while.

Fat Flake Fest with Ben, Mary, Thayne and Brit

Thanksgiving fun!!!

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