Lesson #66: Time flies....So today I was talking to Ali and as we were talking I realized that the last time I saw her was over Christmas break which was two weeks ago. I can't believe I've been back at school for two weeks already! Where is the time going. But a plus with this "time flying" thing....Chad has officially less then 6 months in Africa! I can't even wait!!! For his 18 month anniversary he sent me some pictures and a fun african bracelet. I love my surprises from Africa!!!

With my new realization of time flying I have made a decision to make every second count. I want to live each day to it's fullest. Starting with today.....After a few hours of homework I'm headed with my friend Melody to our friends soccer game and following that I'll most likely go country dancing. See this is why I like Provo so much! Always something to do! Time may fly but hopefully I'll make every moment last!
Syd... love your blog! I have to say I'm quite jealous about your time flying faster than mine but I've officially made it to 6 months! PS sorry i didn't call back. I'll call ya and we can chat again! Love ya!