Last Friday my roommates and I decided to do a big roomie group date. The plan was to eat dinner, make a fort, and watch movies. We got the idea of fort making from a party Ben and I went to a little bit ago. Well as soon as everybody got to our apartment the boys started making our fort. It was so cute to see them all get so excited. Megan came into the kitchen where I was getting things ready for dinner, she had this sad look on her face and said "I can't bring myself to tell them we were going to make the fort after dinner"...needless to say we let the boys continue their fort making and we had dinner after. Actually we decided to have dinner in the fort. Ben took over making the pancakes and he had a blast flipping pancakes to each person. We spent the rest of the night playing in our fort!

Friday turned out to be our FHE sister Randi's birthday so we decided to make it a date/birthday party. We made a huge cake and everybody took forks to the thing. At one point Ben thought it would be fun to shove cake in my face....well I'll let you look at the pictures but I did get him back. It was hilarious having a cake fight with Ben. He gets so competitive its really kinda cute. After washing all the cake off our faces we finished the night by watching a movie in our fort. It turned out to be one of the best nights. It was great to be with Ben and with my roommates! I am so lucky to have such amazing roommates!
We loved our fort so much that we actually kept it up for a few's final moments were today when I finally hit one of my "cleaning frenzy's" and I had to take the thing down. Oh Well! It was great while it lasted
Truly things are more fun in a fort...I highly suggest making one!!!
I sure do love this college thing!

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