Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Legit!

It's official...I'm legit! Today, with the help of a friend I finally signed up for Flickr. For those of you who, like me, have no idea what this is... Flickr is a photo sharing website. After talking to some friends the other day I realized this would be an easier way to share all my pictures from Jerusalem. So after a lot of annoying filling out stuff I'm a flickr regular! My personal address is

All you have to do is go to this site and you can see all my pictures. I'm going to be making this the link from my website and so, starting April 28, all you have to do is click on the Post Title and bam you'll be able to see all my pictures! Yay for modern technology!


  1. sydney! how did you get your layout to take up the entire width of the screen and still have your background? i need to know! and yay i get to see pictures from jerusalem

  2. hey cutie! I'll have to check that out! I have heard of it... it sounds fun! Hope all is well xoxo


love notes