Life is a party in the Holy Land! Everyday I am loving it more! This is the only place I can post pictures (gotta love BYU's awesome internet filter!) and so sorry for posting so many. Jerusalem is soon becoming my most favorite place. I think I might live here....heck I look like I'm from here so why not ;-)
"Mormons" is the Israelis favorite word to say, or maybe just one of the few words of English they know. Non the less its what we hear all the time walking around. I guess we stick out. I thought we looked just like everybody else but I guess the blonde hair isn't really blend in material. On a walk the other day we stopped by where the Pope is going to stay. Some soldiers wanted to take pictures with us....yep they thought we were cool!
This is at the Western Wall right before I got in huge trouble for having my camera. I'm learning a lot here, ya know things like not working on Saturday (Sabbath) and that clicking is considering working. Sunday back in the states is going to be interesting from here on out.
Friday Night we had skit night. I wish everyone could understand how funny this skit was. Lets just say I'm learning more about the people I'm living with and I'm loving them so much! This is Mike, Russ and Camille. Russ is my opposite....6 feet and awesome! Well I guess I'm awesome but he's really tall!

A bunch of us went to this sweet cave underneath the old city. Bod and I enjoyed ourselves taking these pictures. Yes we are this cool!
Who doesn't love High School Musical in a cave?
Bod, me, Jenna, Kristen, Brittany, Rachel and Marie all partying underneath the old city!
Friday was one of the few days we could be in the old city after dark. You can't really tell but this is Bod, me and Rachel with the Jerusalem Center in the background!
Jerusalem... My home!
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