Friday, August 7, 2009

"here i stand as you are leaving"

it's the end...and i'm still holding on.

sorry for the lack of blogging. trying uploading pictures with 80 other people on the internet at the same time. i attempt to upload pictures and get disappointed when i get the hated "internet explore can't connect" page. first thing i can't wait to get home for....great interent. sadly my list is getting pretty long. good think i get home next week!

so this past week was finals. glorious finals again....
luckily this time they weren't as bad and people weren't going crazy. i just finished my n.t. final (one left but that doesn't really count) so i'm done with finals for the rest of the summer, too bad thats only 3 weeks. oh well i'm going to be happy with the break that i have.
my last week in jeru is jammed back with field trips, random finishing adventures, parties, meetings and sight seeing. the last three months feel like a dream. am i really going home next week? what happened to the best summer of my life?

this is the one of two pictures that will actually up load for me...good thing it's a good one! this is me and ash on our last night in galilee watching the sunset. ash was my roomie in galilee and also one of my besties here in jeru. i love that girl so much.

as you well know jumping pictures are my staple here in jeru....
russ is amazing when it comes to the jumping picture so i asked him to teach me how it's done. as you can see i don't get as high but i think i do okay. one day i'll be as good as the master jumper

so this is it, the beginning of the end. i am now on my final week here in the holy land. lately conversation at the center has focused on things we are excited to get home to. most of the things on our lists are food...funny yes? anyways i decided that i should be focusing on the things i'll miss here in the holy land. i don't want to take this place for granted.

  • being able to eat outside with the view of the old city for every amazing

  • apple chicken far best meal here

  • waffles from west jeru (hopefully i'll be learning how to make these and taking this one home with me)

  • crazy movie nights here at the center, having 4 different movie rooms to chose from

  • aladdin our great money changer

  • shaban and his free drinks. cheap stuff but fun times

  • the western most favorite place in the old city (i get to go back tonight, i can't wait)

  • being able to live with 78 of my best friends

  • breaking out in song at any place we visit

  • being known as "mormon" everywhere i go

  • my incredible teachers and leaders here

  • the view from my window, nothing beats the old city

  • israeli people....i have grown to love them so much

  • being able to make a 'quick' trip to the old city

  • falafels from the old city...i crave them now

  • jumping pictures everywhere i go

  • kaboose of the kabus (yes that is an inside joke)

  • the spirit of the holy land

i just realized that this list could go on for a long time. yes there are things that i'm not going to miss (looking like a homeless person is on the top) but for the most part leaving the holy land is going to be hard for me. a piece of my heart will be left behind and will forever stay in jerusalem.

thank you to all those who helped get me here. my parents and grandparents for giving me this opportunity. many friends who have come before and talked me into it. and mostly my heavenly father.

how amazing is it to know that i have a father in heaven who knows me so completely that he knew i needed to come here. my testimony has grown so much more than i expected it could. i have such a stronger relationship with my savior, my best friend. i know i'm the same little squid but in a way i'm coming home a new person. my whole outlook on life has changed, my drive and passion for life is more closely tied to the will of my father and his plan for me. the spirit has helped truly make this a holy land for me. thank you jerusalem for opening my eyes. will forever be in my heart


  1. Syd I just love you. I would say I am going to miss you, but I don't think we will ever really get the chance to miss each other. Yay for being from Utah. I will miss living with you.

  2. Syd, I love your blog. I love you. Please feel free to kidnap me for a night and show me all these thousands of incredible pictures that won't load and let me learn just a few of your stories. You have a willing audience in me.

    Can't wait to have you back.


love notes