Wednesday, April 11, 2012

the mr. and mrs. and easter

we had a great easter.

saturday night we stayed up late preparing to teach the sweet 9 yr olds about our savior and his atonement for us. 

we were able to sit in bed and just talk about our savior. how blessed we are for him. and how special was that time just my mr. and i.

sunday we headed to our ward. taught our cute 9 yr. olds. and enjoyed ourselves as we felt the spirit of the day.

after our ward we headed to my parents where i played the harp. i feel that when i play hymns in church is when i can truly share my testimony.

after church we all headed to the parentals for a great easter meal. i begged megs to let me feed our little lady bug. check out this picture.....she was so excited to be eating carrots. we couldn't get over how cute she was acting.  i think she should be the next gap baby!

let's be honest....i have about the best families in the world. we had so much fun just eating, laughing, and spending time together. we really should have gotten a family picture (next year...hint hint us home for easter!)

i really love easter. what a great time of year to really reflect on the gift of the atonement that our savior truly gave. a beautiful refresh of life.

the mr. and i sure hope you had a great easter as well. we missed the b family but know they were able to enjoy the day as well.

oh and remember this??? i can't believe it's already been a year. how fast a year  goes. we were just little babies then! happy easter #2 husband. can't wait for more and more to come! 

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