I'm in my second week without EFY and I'm going slightly crazy. I have loved having nothing to do and spending time with my Mom and friends here but I miss being around the little kiddies and playing all day. I'm having a hard time deciding if I should go back next week or not. One more week of sleep and relaxation might be nice! Anyways I decided I needed to post more pictures from EFY. These come from my last week there. It was so different from my other two weeks but it was still amazing! I grew so close to my cute girlies and I love them so much. I am still so amazed of how much I learn from them. My last week was also fun because I was able to meet a lot of new counselors and make some great friends. It has been fun spending time with some of the counselors outside of EFY as well. I've become great friends with this super cute girl named Sarah. We have so much in common and I love playing with her! I truly feel like I have been blessed to be a counselor because I have made so many new friends, it makes me even more excited to go back to school in the fall! I've also been spending some time with this counselor named Jacob and we are going to be neighbors next year and so I'm excited about that! Isn't summer the best? I'm also excited because today starts my favorite part about summer...fireworks!!! I love fireworks so much! Tonight I'm going up to Eaglewood's fireworks with some friends and than tomorrow I might go see stadium of fire fireworks (apparently they are the best!) I'm so excited! I hope you all enjoy the fireworks as well these upcoming weeks! Summer '08 is looking good...

Some of my cute girlies headed to dinner!

The B-Town Crew...Bre and I both have big time Bountiful pride and we shared it with a group of studly boys also from B-town!

My girlies!

Aly and I stole our groups banners and pretended to have superhero powers...this is what happens to counselors when we get no sleep!
Cam's lil sis Colie will be at EFY next week. That would be awesome if you were her counselor. Cute blog!