Apparently I need to work on my blogging skills! Well the summer is pretty much over. I can't believe how fast it went. I officially move back to Provo on Wednesday and than starts the craziness of school. Classes start on Sept. 2 but I have my Folk Dance workshop Wed-Friday that will take up most of my time so bye bye summer for me. Looking back this has been the best summer of my life. I can't believe how much I have grown and changed. EFY is truly a life changing experiences...even more so as a counselor. I loved all my girls so much and I miss them like crazy! Along with all my EFY craziness I also got a new sister on Saturday. Ric finally got married and it was amazing! It was a really emotional weekend but it was so beautiful. I am so excited for Ric and Meagan, they are so perfect for each other and Megs fits into our family so well. She is the perfect sister for me! My best friend Gretchen also got married and that was incredible as well. It was fun to spend time with Gretch before she got married, it felt like old times. Her and Whit go so great together though so I'm excited for them as well. More in the wedding roommate Katelyn got engaged a few weeks ago. It seems like everyone around me is getting married. I'm hoping this craziness of weddings slows down but I have a strong feeling it won't. I guess thats what I get for growing up.

Sam decided it would be fun to push my brownie in my face! This is the outcome. I'm not gonna lie though, it was entertaining!

Me and my girls my last week of EFY

The Parentals and I at Ric's wedding lunch!

My new sister and Me!

The best company EVER "The Last Days!!!"

Trevor was pretending to be me....I don't understand why he is kneeling though?

Me and Jason! My co co for week 12A

I decided it was important to teach my girls how to take "stalker pictures" so we were using Breanon as our ginny pig. Well he spotted us (apparently I need to work on my stalker skills!) and wanted to join our company party but sadly he was out the outside!
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