Sunday, August 31, 2008

More Growing...More Changing!

I'm officially a second year college student. Weird I know! I moved back down to Provo on Wednesday and this time things were a lot different. I'm living in the cutest little townhouse south of campus! It is HUGE compared to Heritage. We have 3 floors which is nice and its in a great location. I'm so excited to be living here this year! I'll post pictures of our place soon! Well this past week I spent a big chunk of my time doing a folk dance workshop. I honestly didn't really want to go but I decided to and it turned out to be really fun. I learned a lot and meet some great people but also made a huge change in my life. I've decided not to do folk dance anymore. I can't tell you how excited I am about this decision. I feel so right about dropping out of the program. I know that may sound funny but I really feel like folk dance was perfect for me last year and this year I have so much more waiting for me. I've decided to become involved with some different things this year. I want to be more involved with my ward, my major, my friends and I'm also going to start working with BYUSA. I'm excited to get back into the leadership stuff. For the first little while I'll most likely be volunteering for some small events but hopefully I can become more involved with BYUSA. I am so excited about this year. There are going to be so many changes I can already feel it. I feel like I've grown so much these past few months and I'm ready to grow some more! School officially starts on Tuesday so I'll let you all know how it goes! As for me I can't wait! Bring it on Sophomore year!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Syd!! I'm so happy for you that you feel direction with the folk dance thing...isn't it weird how a change in direction that we didn't see can at times be so revealing? I am excited for you to get involved with stuff around school -- you have always been and always will be a leader. I love you!!


love notes