Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall...My Most Favorite Season EVER

It's FALL and I couldn't be happier! I figured I needed to change the background of my blog to follow the changing of the seasons. I walk outside and I see fall everywhere and I can't help but smile! Here are some of the reasons I love fall...

1. The leaves changing colors!
2. Everything is Orange (its my favorite color)
3. Cool crisp air that feels so good to breath in
4. Football Games!!! I love Football...Go Utes
5. Wearing cute new fall clothes
6. Back to school (Yes I must say I do like back to school)
7. Going on Sunday fall walks
8. Making a new FAll Mix...I've been doing this for 4 years now!
9. And much much more!

I hope you all enjoy the changing of the seasons as much as I do!

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