Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Blue Life!!!!

Wow life has been so incredible and crazy! School has completely taken over my life (I good thing I guess).This past week was Homecoming week here at BYU. I've spent a good portion of this week thinking a lot about last year and how much has changed. It was just a year ago that I was folk dancing my way down 9th east in the Homecoming parade. This year things are a little different. Instead of folk dance I now have SHA to take my time. A few days ago I was talking to a friend and we were just thinking about how amazing it is that everything seems to happen for a reason. Its funny to think that my decision to come to BYU has taken me to where I am right now. I am so blessed and so happy to be here! This year has defiantly been a defining one for me. I have learned so much about myself and about what my purpose here is. I just can't believe that just a few months ago I was walking around campus thinking I didn't know anybody and now here I am leading huge BYUSA activities with what seems like a ton of new friends. Life has changed thats for sure. Don't worry though, I'm not here to tell you all that I'm a BYU fan now (I'm still red through and through) but I have grown to love my time here at the Y and I am so grateful for all the learning experiences that I have been blessed to have.

I say that my life is blue now for one simple reason....I'm literally blue. Last week was the traditional "True Blue Football". My good friend Ben was in charge of the event so of course I told him I'd help him out. Little did I know that it would leave me with a blue hue. Well actually now it's a little green. True blue is this event where we pump out tons and tons of blue foam and everybody gets to play in it. It was probably one of the best things I have ever done. I had so much fun. It was just great being able to spend time with my friends from BYUSA and play in foam. Well considering how white my body is and how blonde my hair is the blue hasn't completely left me. My hair still has a few green streaks in it. Actually today I ran into a friend and she asked me "Syd did you dye your hair green?". I'm just praying it comes out soon...and if not...well as Mom would say "Oh Well". It was worth it.
Life is an amazing gift! I'm learning more and more each day to enjoy the gift!

1 comment:

  1. I had that "blue and da ba dee da ba di" stupid song playing in my head while reading this...but I loved the pictures and story! Looks like you're having a blast!


love notes