Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Baby Changes Everything

I recently heard one of Faith Hills new Christmas songs "A baby changes everything". Right after I heard the song I was able to see the Savior of the World at the conference center. Well both of these things have made me start thinking about what this season is really about. It's so easy for me to get excited with all the lights, presents, snow and such. I know that these things do make the season fun but what is really most important?
Amazing how a tiny baby changed the world...changed my life. I am so grateful to this tiny baby and the sacrifice he made for me. Christmas isn't just about the presents and the excitement. It's a time to remember the birth of the most important person who has ever lived. For without him I would be nothing. My goal for this season is to slow down, enjoy life a little more, find happiness in the small things, and most of all remember the reasons that I am living and the gift I have been given and all because a perfect baby was born. Amazing how a baby really does change everything.


  1. Sydney I love this song so much!!! We need to get together asap.

  2. You are my angel. Thank you for being such a wonderful example! Love you Lady Bug!


love notes