* Doing well on my Math test...finally!
* Studying in the Clark building till well past the building closed and getting kicked out!
* Country swing dancing with Chris (being little is apparently a good thing when it comes to swing dancing ;-)
* BYUSA's Special Speaker Series started...after months of planning my activities have actually started and went surprisingly well!
* Some friends randomly going to Chad Trumans concert. I'm not going to lie it was a little awkward but really fun at the same time!
* My car breaking down=FHE Brothers coming over at midnight=taking apart my engine=having to drive for 30 mins to keep car going=laughing at my lack of car skills
* Friday dance class was turned into a yoga class! I forgot how much I love yoga!
* Doovie date with Shaun (basically a doovie is dinner and a movie but the trick is you have to sneak the food into the theatre, it was hilarious!)
* Planning Killer Bunnies with the married couples = surprisingly not awkward!
* New Saturday morning tradition with Megan.....Kneaders French toast! I'm addicted!
* Megs and I cleaning our room and making shopping deal which lead to....
* Shopping trip with the roomies and discovering that we are all turning into each other! Megs has got me wearing lime green vans....I've got Megs attached to BP
* Finding out my Philosophy test has been postponed = SWEET!!!
* Driving up with the girls to our Ward Barn dance!
* Driving back to Provo after barn dance, all I can say is that a car full of girls singing as loud as we can to backstreet boys is a blast!!!
* Getting into Comedy Sportz for free (Shaun is an actor there!) and finding out that Matt (Megs boyfriend) is friends with Dan Mortenson (EFY counselor from this summer). Basically comedy sportz was hilarious and even better with the roomies and Matt, Dan and their roomies!
* Sammy's after Comedy Sportz....it was jam packed but so worth the wait! Plus the cute girl working came up to me and we sat and talk about fashion and clothes and such for like 10 mins...so random but so fun!
* Waking up early Sunday morning to write my talk= actually talking in Church = feeling okay after my talk = not having to talk in this ward again = happiness!!!
* Watching a walk to remember with the roomies after Church
* Visiting teaching, I have seriously grown to love visiting teaching! I am so grateful for this part of our church!
* Driving up to South Jordan to play with the Varner family. I was planning on just visiting for a few mins and ended up staying till about 11. It was so much fun, and Dallin was actually nice to me (Dallin is Chads little brother who in the past has hated me, as I was leaving he told me he had fun and wants me to come back!) We sat and laughed, played the Wii, looked through scrapbooks (Chad was the cutest little toe-head boy!). They even included me in family prayer! This was one of the best nights, I'm so grateful to have the Varners in my life! It will be even better in 4 and a half months when Chad will be home!
* Getting a gym pass to Golds! I never thought I'd get a gym pass...look at me, I'm slowly but surely growing up ;-)
* Lunch date with Chris! Laughed the whole time!
* Doing well on my intense dance test!
* FHE movie actually turning out funny!
* Actually going to the gym....an hour and a half later I have discovered I'm addicted! I can't believe its taken me this long to see the light!
* Tomorrow I get to go see the Varners again and watch cute little Macy perform as a mini cheerleader! I can't wait!
* Wednesday I have another lunch date....seriously who ever invented the lunch date is a genius!
Thats about all I can think of for right now...as you can tell my last few days have been so crazy but so amazing! Life is so great isn't it! I haven't been taking too many pictures but here are a few from Megs birthday, our ward talent show, eating my first apple in years, muffin night and some other random events...ENJOY!
Plus a few pictures from my Chadly!!!

i love these pictures.
ReplyDeletethey are fabulous
Syd I love you, and your pictures make me so happy! I miss you guys!!
ReplyDeleteSyd! I seriously love you so much. I am happy that you were able to post and briefly catch up on all that's been going on...you have such a love for life and it makes me smile. You've got to come see Jack sometime soon when things aren't so crazy for you. You're amazing!