Friday, April 17, 2009


There are here! Yep my favorite week of the year...not! So what am I doing instead.....blogging. I don't really have anything exciting to blog about but I thought I'd make a list of some of my favorite things from this year....I can't believe I'm finishing my second year of college. When did I get so old?
  • Having Megs as a roommate, I couldn't have asked for a better roommate and best friend! I am so grateful to her and all she does for me. She is one of the greatest examples to me of optimism and understanding. Megs you are a blessing!
  • BYUSA! Last year I would look up at the office and wish to be up there. I'm sad it took me so long to actually walk in and change that. Being a part of the office this year has been such a great thing for me. It has helped give me direction in my life and also given me the opportunity to make some incredible friends!
  • Living South of Campus. This one may seem funny but can I just tell you how much I love walking down the ramp everyday and not across the street to freshman housing. I love everything that comes with off campus housing...the crappy parking, older wards, having to get up earlier to get to class...yep I love it all
  • Finally getting a major! Took me long enough!
  • Friends! My life is full of so many amazing friends. I am so grateful for all my friends and how much they do for me. Life is truly more amazing with great friends beside you.
  • Dating. I know I complain a little too much about this one but I really am grateful for all the amazing dates I been on and all the incredible people I've meet by dating!
  • Shopping. For some reason shopping was a big part of this year. I think I've bought more things this year than I have in a long time...I should work on that. But I've loved creating my own style and picking up stuff from my roommates. I guess I'm finally growing into me!
  • Laughing! I think this year has been filled with more laughing than I can remember. Laughing is one of my most favorite things to do and I find my self laughing all the time. I'm so grateful to everyone and everything that has made me laugh this year! Smiles all around!
I leave in a week for probably one of the biggest adventures of my life. Yes I'm scared to death but also excited. I can't help but think about all different things will be the next time I'm here at BYU. Chad will be here...weird I know, I've never gone to school with him. I'm living in the same place which is a new thing for me but the ward will be all new so thats exciting. I'll be starting my new major so that means a whole new crowd of people. Intership applications will be due...I know first Jerusalem and now internships...whats happening to me ;-)

I better get back to studying! Yay for finals! Life is the greatest adventure! Gosh I love it!!!

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love notes