Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm here!

It's officially my second day here and I love it. Yesterday after long flights we arrived and were able to explore the center. After dinner and a ton of orientation meetings we were finally able to go to bed. The best part about sleeping....4 am wake up calls for prayer. Lets hope I get used to that and will be able to sleep through the next ones. Anyways we woke up bright and early today to an amazing breakfast. The food here is so great! After breakfast we had another orientation meeting and than we were off....

We had our first Jerusalem experience today. Starting from the center we walked to the Old City. It was so amazing I can't even describe it. While walking around I just wanted to stay and learn about each place. I can already tell that four months is not going to be long enough. We walked around for about 4 hours....yep a long time! It was crazy going from the Old city to the new, I felt like I traveled in the future a few hundred years. We weren't able to take our cameras today so sadly no pictures but soon I will have a ton!

Some things from today...
1. Blow dryer not working = amazing hair day ....hee hee
2. Great places
3. Awesome food!

I have to run to class but I'll blog more later! Much love from Jeru

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sydney! It's Meagan's friend Kenzi! :D It is absolutely necessary that I tell you THANK YOU because I've been going through all your give away bags of clothes and shoes, and I've definitely taken my fair share of stuff! So thank you for being so generous and sharing your cute clothes with us! ha!

    I think it's awesome that you are in Jerusalem, you're such a brave girl to do that and I can't even imagine what an experience it will be! Take care of yourself and enjoy your time! HAVE FUN!


love notes