For the first time in months I went home for the weekend and actually stayed the night! After a long week of tests I was more than excited to go home. I got home on Friday about 8ish and Mom and me went to Paradise. (Thanks Mom for letting eating there again....I know I choose Paradise all the time!) After eating my favorite walnut chicken sandwich, Mom and I went home and quickly turned on the fire. I get my cold blood from my Mommy! We ended up sitting and just talking for hours. It was great! Saturday was filled with conference, shopping, eating and playing with my Mom! During Priesthood Mom and I went to Five Guys, this fun new hamburger place that just opened in B-town! After 5 Guys we rented a couple of movies and got chocolate! Gotta love girls nights! We ended up watching Twilight and laughed the whole way through. I know a lot of people love the movie but Mom and I enjoyed making fun of the movie. I still enjoyed it though! Meh and Ali came over after and we stayed up till 3 talking and laughing. I miss playing with my girls! It was so great to catch up and hear about their lives!
Sunday was more conference (which was amazing!) and family time. Ash my cute cousin blessed their adorable baby boy Tyson during the two sessions. I am really going to miss all my family while I'm in Jerusalem! Ric and Megs stayed at the house for the afternoon session and Megs brought her hair extensions for me to try on.....
I haven't had long hair since I was 13 yrs old and so I had fun taking pictures. I'm not sure how I feel about long hair with my face but at least it was fun to see what I would look like! Heres a little taste of my long hair!

Conference weekend is truly my favorite weekend! It was so great to play with my Mom and see all my family. It's times like these that I'm going to miss the most while I'm gone! Love to all!
The long hair def takes some getting used to that is for sure. But you really look cute with them i think.:)