So I think there is a running joke about me....I am always changing my major! Okay so there may be a bit of truth to that statement. I am here to inform the world that today was first time I have officially changed my major, but about the 5th time I have talked about it. I started my freshman year doing Math Ed. My whole freshman year I was never set on my major. I took the summer to really think about it and Math ed seemed to be the only thing that worked for me. Well I started fall excited again about doing Math ed, soon to find the excitement leave. So middle of fall semester I thought long and hard and considered changing my major...I did make the decision to take the LSAT though and apply for law school (one step closer to my dream). I hated to admit I was considering doing something besides Math. My whole life I've had people telling me how great I am at math and how perfect of a major it is for me. I didn't want to disappoint those I love and look up to. So after some random ideas I resorted back again to Math ed...a little less excited this time. Well I started this semester and I knew I couldn't do Math Ed any longer. I started going to major fairs and talking to advisers. It was very embarrassing for me talking to these people considering I'm almost a senior, I shouldn't be changing my mind after all this time. Well after some long hours of praying and soul searching I figured out what I want to do....I want to change the world!
I know thats silly but its what I want to do. I want to make my mark in the educational system. See I don't want to get away from education. I have strong feelings about our public education and I think that changes need to be made...and I want to help make those changes. After a lot of looking I found this perfect master program. The MPA which is a masters in Public Administration. This will prepare me to work in non-profit and government organizations. But here is the best part....BYU Law and the BYU MPA have this great program where I can get my MPA and a law degree in only 4 years (compared to a normal 6). Anybody who knows me knows I have always wanted to go to law school and work in government... this program was made for me!
Well to get to the major changing part.... I could still get into this program with a Math major but after talking to a bunch of people and working through things myself I decided I needed to focus on a major that I actually enjoyed and could finish in two years instead of 3. And this is where Political science comes in. I have always loved government, politics and what is going on in the world around me. This major excites me and makes me want to work hard and succeed!
I decided this a while ago but have been so torn about truly changing my major...until Sunday. I finally talked to my Dad about changing my major. I never want to disappoint my daddy and I want him to be proud of me and my decisions. Good news....he was totally okay with me changing my major (I think it helped that I am planning on law school, gotta take after my daddy!). Anyways today I went into the pl sc office and officially changed my major. So here I am....a poly sci major! I am so excited!!!
I'll officially started taking major classes in the until then I'll be dreaming political dreams!

BYU Romney Institute watch I come!!!
I know thats silly but its what I want to do. I want to make my mark in the educational system. See I don't want to get away from education. I have strong feelings about our public education and I think that changes need to be made...and I want to help make those changes. After a lot of looking I found this perfect master program. The MPA which is a masters in Public Administration. This will prepare me to work in non-profit and government organizations. But here is the best part....BYU Law and the BYU MPA have this great program where I can get my MPA and a law degree in only 4 years (compared to a normal 6). Anybody who knows me knows I have always wanted to go to law school and work in government... this program was made for me!
Well to get to the major changing part.... I could still get into this program with a Math major but after talking to a bunch of people and working through things myself I decided I needed to focus on a major that I actually enjoyed and could finish in two years instead of 3. And this is where Political science comes in. I have always loved government, politics and what is going on in the world around me. This major excites me and makes me want to work hard and succeed!
I decided this a while ago but have been so torn about truly changing my major...until Sunday. I finally talked to my Dad about changing my major. I never want to disappoint my daddy and I want him to be proud of me and my decisions. Good news....he was totally okay with me changing my major (I think it helped that I am planning on law school, gotta take after my daddy!). Anyways today I went into the pl sc office and officially changed my major. So here I am....a poly sci major! I am so excited!!!
I'll officially started taking major classes in the until then I'll be dreaming political dreams!

BYU Romney Institute watch I come!!!
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