let me explain why i am so picture happy....you see a year back my parentals got me this sweet semi-professional nikon camera. i honestly have no idea how to really use it but it sounds so great when it takes a picture and i look really good with it and so bam....hundreds of pictures. just more for my wonderful readers to enjoy right?
classes have been pretty busy so our adventures have slowed just a bit. don't worry sydney has been able to have fun and take lots of pictures.
we had our third field trip today. for the most part i had no idea where we were but i knew sweet picture opportunities were mine and so i took them.
here is bod, marie, rachel, lyds and me on top of a tel. check out the sweet grape vines in the back ground. its almost california but different and in israel....
another great stop on our field trip was the site that samson was born. remember samson, the one that had his hair cut off my delilah. yeah he was great. bod and i enjoyed reenacting this awesome event. in the words of regina spektor "you are my sweetest downfall"

last night we had our egypt party. as the chair of the activities committee we planned this event. it turned out great and we had some hilarious costumes. who doesn't love a dress up dance party. if you could only have seen what it was like to get 80 byu jeru students dressed up like white egyptians dancing in our lunch room....hilarious yes...awesome? no question
the past few days have been spent adventuring through the old city. one of my favorite things are all the spices that are sold. its like art in bowls. i've only tasted a few but my taste buds agree...oh yeah
you might not be able to tell but this is jonah and me. yeah don't worry i know we look just like egyptians despite the white skin, my blonde hair, jonahs blue eyes....like i said we look egyptian.

another favorite thing about the old city...the wall. i love the fact that there is this huge wall surrounding the city. there is something so protecting about this. this picture was taking right before we were kicked off the wall by some random palestinian. sometimes breaking the rules is worth it.

here we have andy and i loving the light and jumping with all our hsm abilities. after all we're all in this together.

our last stop on our field trip was the valley of ellah were david killed goliath. we were giving sling-shots and an open space to practice our skills....
i don't usually brag but this case calls for it....my slig-shot skills are kinda amazing. don't even worry about it but goliath is totally dead.
kells, me and bod are so hc (hard core for all you older folks)
fridays here are pretty lame. we can't go to the old city till 3 and most everything is closed for sabbath....so this last friday we played the american card and went to see angels and demons. best part of the movie...intermission. they totally stopped the movie half way through for ten minutes.
bod and i are soul mates and i love every second of it. recreating signs and statues is one of our favorite things to do. bod was nice and was the old man in this picture. way to take one for the team bod.
i love her face so much. look how excited she is for "up".
bod and i are soul mates and i love every second of it. recreating signs and statues is one of our favorite things to do. bod was nice and was the old man in this picture. way to take one for the team bod.
i love her face so much. look how excited she is for "up".
i have the blessed oppertunity to live about 10 minutes away from the garden of gethsemane. on sabbath we can go there in the afternoon and just ponder and read and such. there is a private part of the garden that they let the mormons go in. i love being mormon here. they may not know really what we stand for but they know who we are and they know we stand out. kellynn was playing photographer and took this sweet kandid shot.
i love saturday sabbath and the garden even more.

everyday my life gets better in jeru.
as in the words of snow patrol....
tell me that you'll open your eyes.
slowly i'm opening my eyes.
jeru is my home!
i love saturday sabbath and the garden even more.
everyday my life gets better in jeru.
as in the words of snow patrol....
tell me that you'll open your eyes.
slowly i'm opening my eyes.
jeru is my home!
Syd.. I just love reading your blog. Everything just seems so amazing. You make me want to be a better person and try and gain a stronger testimony and knowledge about our church. I am so grateful to have such an amazing cousin. Who is always such a great example! I love you.. glad your having so much fun!
ReplyDeleteI love how you used the phrase "love her face."
ReplyDeleteLove your face!
SYDNEY! Are you kidding??? This is incredible!! I am so jealous and proud of you!! I hope you don't mind but I am going to be following your blog step by step now because you are living out an incredible life!!! LOVE IT!
ReplyDeletemelissa bailey mott
aka Emily bailey's sister ;)
Oh man--you now have the whole family stalking your blog! I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is to read about all you are doing. My plan was to do this when I was at BYU and it didn't work out for me, so if you don't mind I'll live vicariously through you a little. :')