fall is even better.
its my favorite time of year so why not take lots of pictures. and i mean a lot of pictures.
enjoy the happiness that is my life....
enjoy the happiness that is my life....
this is matt and meg aka m&m's. my best friend and her future hubby. yep they got in engaged a few weeks back. our apartment has been turned to the frill and the fun. i love wedding planning and i'm even more excited that it's meg's getting hitched. congrats you two! i'm so excited!
so the other night i needed to get cake. yes it was a need. and megs and matt needed to get out but here is the problem....we couldn't get out. we were totally locked in our apartment. we took out the window screen and i climbed out. after some great help from the fhe brother our door knob was removed and we safely existed the building. too bad my little town house is falling apart!
saturday we were given free tickets to the fun up at park city. of course we jumped on that option. we quickly got in the car and made our way up there. the drive was fun but the adventures even better. we were able to hit up the alpine slide and the zip line...both of which i wasted spence on. i'm just better and faster! more fun for me! we really had a blast enjoying the nice weather and the fun trees and colors!
this is us on the chairlift. it was going super slow on account of the many children up there on saturday. plus the sun was insane and blinding us....so this is the kind of picture you get!
i was so excited to be up at the u....spencer was not....odd, we'll work on that one!
oh you know just me and my best friend working on getting out of our apartment. we were laughing the whole time. love the memories!
me, megs and alison after one of megs soccer games. who would have thought i'd have a roommate on a byu team....gross. don't worry i was wearing red ;-) it was a fun game and we had a blast together as roommates!
me and my best friend yet again...this is us at the bean museum. we went up there for a fhe activity. we keep ourselves entertained!
so a few weekends ago a bunch of my girls decided to do a group date up at my house in midway. it turned out to be about 20 of us total and it was a blast. we ate way to much food and had way to much fun playing games. it really was such a great night! i love my girls so much. i didn't get that many pictures and even less 'good' pictures but here are a few from the midway date.
spencer has a thing against smiling when i tell him to. he's usually not evil looking...usually ;-)
i left my camera unattended. when i uploaded my pictures here is a taste of what i found. good thing i love these girls so much! bod and ash look amazing, i mean so does erin but the claws....dang girls!
so yes lots and lots of pictures! i hope you enjoy.
life is great, school is awesome. i just finished an insane midterm week and so i'm loving life right now. i better get some homework done now!
peace and love from above!
WHO is this Spencer kid who has taken my place as the number 1 featured person on your blog? I hate being replaced.
ReplyDeleteSydney! I miss you. And tell Spencer hello from his former anatomy TA. You should know, he's pretty much awesome.