Wednesday, June 8, 2011

another mr. and mrs. date night

saturday night was date night for the mr. and i
we took a break from studying and work and enjoyed a night of incredible steak and an amazing show

thanks to my great parents we had a fun double date to a fancy steak house (probably the fanciest place i've been in slc)
and incredible seats to les mis

spence had never seen it so i was so excited when my parents let us have two of their tickets
the mr. and i were sitting on the second row right in the middle
we could see the face mics on the performers

the show was amazing
and spence loved it
he even told me that we when are old and rich we can have season tickets to see broadway shows! 

so thanks mom and dad for a great date night!
we loved every minute of it

1 comment:

  1. cute outfit girlie! And lucky ducks to go see Les Mis! Cov and I are HUGE fans:)


love notes