Friday, June 29, 2012

the mr. and mrs. and family pictures

a few weeks ago we had family pictures taken
(much needed if i do say so myself. i was getting sad not seeing my mr. in our family picture)
our awesome wedding photographer kelley from gallery took them for us
(if you need a wedding photographer i highly recommend kelley.)

we all met at the bountiful library
random place if you ask me but i thought it turned out beautiful

don't mind me while i show off my awesome family!!!!
my cute parents. i love them so much and love how in love they are with each other. they are the perfect example for spence and i
and here is us. we were really ready for some new "us" pictures. 
and another one of us. i blew this one up big for our new place. can't wait to get a cute frame and put it up on the wall (when we find a place to live that is)
and my wonderful family. i love us all! 
ric, megs, and lainey baby, mom and dad, al, the mr. and mrs. 
and this is why i love my brothers. i have a similar picture from my wedding...maybe i'll post that next week. 
all the kiddos. despite spence's awkward hand (it's okay he admit's it's awkward) i think we look pretty cute together.
and the girls. how lucky i am to have a beautiful mother who i can call my best friend and a wondering sister in law who is everything i ever dreamed a sister would be. 

sometimes life gets hard
but in the end you'll always have family
and how lucky i am for my family
we have so much fun together
sunday dinners are my favorite as we sit around the table and just laugh (seriously sometimes we just sit and laugh)

1 comment:

  1. You look gorgeous. I especially like the one of the ladies and the one of your "funny" brothers.

    I agree with you about Sunday dinners. I love sitting down as a family and eating dinner. My husband's family doesn't, but mine does. I hope when we have kids we take after my family and spend time together laughing and talking at dinner.


love notes