Tuesday, April 30, 2013

spring in my city

the weather has finally decided to warm up here in chicago and this mr. and mrs. couldn't be happier. we have been spending as much time outside as we possibly can. this weekend was no exception. saturday i went on a long walk with my good friend. we were having so much fun just chatting we didn't realize how far we had gone. by the time i got home my legs were jello. but i think thats a good thing. working out in our little apartment during the winter didn't go off so well. so i'm excited to get back to exercising outside. 

spence and i have been eating outside on our little patio as much as we can. we are such "out-side" people. our late night walks are back as well and i couldn't be more excited about that. i love spending our "us" time hand in hand just walking and talking. i feel like some of our best conversations happen during those walks. it may be an "old person" thing but man i don't even care! 

chicago has become a new city with the warm weather. the other day spence turned to me and said "i forgot we were living in a big city". haha. during the winter people stay inside. it's been a wide awakening for us to realize how many people really live here. it's like everyone is living outside now a days. 

i can't wait for it to warm up a bit more for beach season. having a beach just 3 blocks from us was one of the reasons i agreed to move out here with my mr. we have a rather long list of "summer-things" to do here in chicago. so glad spence will just be doing research and have time to play. we are accepting any and all visitors for the summer! 

so excuse me if i'm not around as much. i'm trying to take advantage of all the vitamin d i can get. heaven knows i need it. our list of things to do and places to see is going to have a lot of check marks now that the weather is beautiful. 

i can finally say.....chicago welcomes the spring!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Evening walks sound nice, you get to talk and exercise. You're going to make me jealous with your beach posts, but I can't wait to read them.


love notes