Thursday, February 6, 2014

thank you....

thank you so much for all your love and support with our recent announcement. i sat with tears in my eyes as i read all the comments. we have some of the best friends and family around. all the support has truly helped us these past couple of years. 

when i showed spencer the post he said "what about telling the whole story?" i informed him i would follow-up. honestly it's been hard for me to share our story of this pregnancy. i think it's for a couple of reasons but mostly because this one is different, special and for the first time one i can enjoy. 

but i did want to share a shortened version of "our story".....

as most of you know our story started over 2 and a half years ago. it's been a longer journey than either of us expected. but it's been a beautiful one. the past couple of years have taught us more about our savior, about love, about each other and about our future family. they haven't been easy, but they have been beautiful. 

we hit a point this summer where we had to make some big decisions on the future of our family. after a lot of prayer and discussion we decided to go forward with testing. after a few months (and few thousand dollars...ugh) we did most all the tests you could. the dr.'s couldn't find a thing. 

at this point we decided to push forward with faith. we were working with a couple of wonderful dr.'s here in chicago that were so supportive of us and our situation. 

we found out in late november that we were expecting, for the fourth time. we were of course excited but also extremely nervous. i started going into the dr.s once a week when we first found out. the first night knowing both spence and i decided we need to  change our approach. instead of being nervous, scared and not excited we were going to put our trust in the lord and have faith that this one, this baby, would be okay.

this change of mind set made the world of difference. add that to our weekly ultrasounds we were doing okay. i loved seeing our sweet baby starting at just a little over 5 weeks. it was incredible for me to watch as our little bug kept growing each week. every ultrasound i would freak out a little because i didn't know what i was looking at. but cute spence and our great dr would calm me down. at least they could see the baby was growing. 

we told our parents early on. we needed their love, support and prayers.  they were all so excited for us. we told the rest of our family over the holidays. it was so fun to have our families excited for us and our little babe. 

early on things were different with this baby. for starters i got a lot sicker than previous pregnancies (oh the joy) and the baby was growing as expected. finally after 11 weeks we "graduated" from our dr at the infertility office. it was scary to say good bye but he hugged us and told us that we would have a baby. it was so comforting to know he felt everything was going smoothy.

since then we've had a few more ultrasounds and baby is looking good! we finally felt confident and ready share our news. 

we are so excited to finally be at this point. words can't truly describe the emotions we've felt. i know so many others who have struggled and are struggling with the same thing...wanting a baby. my heart goes out for each and every one of you. 

i know our road isn't over. we still have a long ways to go, with this baby and with future babies. but i know it will all work out. it always does! 

so for now we're loving our little b. getting excited for the next steps in this pregnancy and day dreaming about the gender, it's cute face and our future life. 

thank you again! we couldn't have gotten this far without all your prayers and support!!!


  1. Oh my! I am so happy for you! What a blessing and you're going to be a wonderful mother. I hope you enjoy this pregnancy :)

  2. My eyes are filled with tears as I read this! We love you guys so much and we are sooooo excited for you. I cant even begine to understand what you have gone through in the past but know you have always been in our prayers. And that will continue. I cant wait to meet Baby B!!!!! MUAH> Love you sissy


love notes