This is a picture Chad sent to show me the "fun things" they do on P-days. I'm not sure how fun this looks....He sure looks happy though

Chad is still such a child at heart!

This is my favorite picture of Chad and I taken right before our first Valentines Day.
Moving on to other news...Nothing too exciting has been happening. I am now in my third week of break from EFY. It has been nice but I'm so ready to go back to the craziness and no sleep. This past week has been full of chores and dates. Mom left for girls camp and so I told her I'd clean the house...not my most favorite job but I figure I need the practice. I've also been going on some fun dates but last night was the best. I was so tired from everything that I decided I needed a chill night. I hung out with Willey (my dog) most of the night until my Dad came home. Well sometime during the day we had caught some fun/killer critters. So we placed them in the truck and we all jumped into the car and headed up Millcreek canyon to set them free. We were almost there when Willey jumped up front from the back seats. Well he decided he wanted to help Dad drive...it was hilarious...Dad started freaking out and almost crashed the car. Right before this had happened we had been talking about the fun/killer critters and for a split second Dad had thought one of them escaped from the cage and onto his lap. Needless to say I held Willey the rest of the trip! Even though it was only for a few mins it was fun to spend some time with my dad. He is truly one of my bestest friends!
This is such a cute blog. You are seriously one of the coolest girls ever and hey your my sister now how sweet is that. The story about the trip up the canyon oh boy I bet that was so fun and sounds really funny ha ha almost crashed the car oh my ha today was weird taking Rics stuff this is all happening so fast its just nuts well love ya I'm officially going to bed now