I swear sometimes I just forget I have a blog. Well a lot has happened but lately I haven't been taking pictures of anything (surprise I know!) I'll try to get better about that. This past week has been super crazy. I feel like all I've done is go to class, SHA, and homework. So my life now...SHA is BYU's Student Honor Association. I have a good friend who was an EFY counselor invite me to come get involved with SHA. After a few meetings, a super fun retreat and having office duties everyday I am now a program director for SHA. It has been a blast. This may sound funny but I feel like a lot of things have brought me to this point in my life. Being a part of SHA feels so right, it's my place to be right now and I love it. I have loved getting to know all the people involved with BYUSA and love being back in the whole Student Government feel! It's great! My new friend Cheyenne (we work in SHA together) has taken a bunch of pictures so I'll steal some from her and put them up soon! This weekend was a great weekend though. Friday night started out with the girlies. Lauren and Emily threw a great girls night, sadly I wasn't able to go to it all because I had other plans but I was able to stop in for a bit and see all my girlies. After that Cheyenne, Gordy and I went to this random party in Orem! It turned out to be a blast. I ran into a ton of EFY counselors from this summer which was so much fun. We also spent a good portion of the night playing with some of the BYUSA kids. It was a little stressful with Gordy but still fun. Saturday I woke up at 9 ready to go. I cleaned my room, did homework and did laundry all before I went to the BYU football vs. UCLA game. I walked to the game with Cheyenne and when we got there she told me that I could now sit in the BYUSA section. I guess now because I work in the office I get rights to the seats. These seats were amazing!!! We were 50 yrd line and on the first 3 rows. It was so much fun! I know I'm not a Y fan but I seriously have fun just being there. And can I just say these seats are a lot better than my other seats. I have a feeling I'm going to really like this BYUSA thing! After the game Cheyenne and I made a quick trip to the store to get some important stuff such as cereal and milk!!! After that I went home, did some more homework and than went on a date! I think I'm finally getting used to this whole dating thing, it's taken me a long time. It was a super fun chill date which I enjoyed! Thats about it for now. Here are some pictures from our girls night on Friday and than today we had a bunch of people over for French Toast Sundays, I only have pictures of us preparing the food...sorry I was having to much fun I forgot about my camera! I'll start taking more pictures this week!

Hi! My name is Kristen Danner and I'm also going to the Y. I saw in your little sidenotes that you are taking harp lessons. I have always wanted to learn how to play the harp! Are you taking them through BYU or are they private? Do you know of anyone who teaches harp lessons? If you could email me back at swimpenguinswim@hotmail.com that would be great! Thank you!