Monday, January 18, 2010

"these are my confessions"

who are these people and why do i even care?

good question me! the answer....i have no idea but i love their blogs. yes blog stalking happens to be one of my favorite past times and as of late these blogs have been my favorite to stalk. since i'm confessing my blog stalking habit to the world i figured i might as well share my favorite blogs with you!

1. this one comes to me from jess
it's called make it and love it
i've become crafty lately and craft blogs are my new favorite. this one have some super cute ideas for a house or for kids. considering i don't have either of the two i just blog stalk and enjoy the cuteness!

2. this one comes from the many blog stalking experiences in jeru shown to me by jbod.
it's called rockstar diaries
who knew one persons life could be so fascinating. yes sometimes i do day-dream that i could be taza, have a cute little pug and live in day maybe!

3. this one comes from just one of those random blog stalking times.
it's called busy bee lauren
she has great shoes and cute dresses and some of the most random posts. yet i still enjoy blog stalking her.

4. this one again comes from one of those blog stalking times with jbod
anyways it's called (no) sex and the city
don't get freaked out by the name like i did. its a fairly entertaining blog about a mormon girl living in nyc. she's on broadway and does all that kind of fancy stuff. yep i'm jealous of her as well

i wonder if it creeps people out that so many of us out here blog stalk them. to be honest if somebody blog stalked me i think i would feel honored and loved.

who do you secretly blog stalk? just something to think about...

love from beside the space heater

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