Monday, February 8, 2010

a new love

considering it is love month i figured i share with you a new love of mine.

to be honest we may be in a more love hate type relationship.

my new love is...
writing political papers for my pl sci class.

changing my major to a bascially all writing major was a huge deal for me
-considering the minor detail that i hate writing and my writing skills are lacking.

luckily it has turned out great.
i go to class and learn about research, grammar, style and writing.
i leave class excited to work on my papers.

yes i still struggle with writing.
yes there are times that i hate writing my papers
but overall i love what i'm doing.

what a good thing to love!


  1. doesn't it feel so great to love your choice!
    even better to love your classes.

    i love writing.
    but i guess that's kind of the point.

  2. plscimajorsknoweverything BUT psychmajorsknowmore.

    I love soft sciences.

  3. look how cute your pictures are... i love seeing what you've been up to! We've been thinking of you guys since your Grandpa's passing. he was a great man :) give your grandma a hug for me. hope all is well! xoxo

  4. I LOVE your headband collection, so many cute ones :) have you ever bought any handmade ones from Etsy, or made any of your own? nice blog!!!



love notes