so i'm behind but better late than never
girls night during conference weekend is my favorite
this year i spent girls night with the b. side
after a great meal of pizza at arella we headed home to work on our craft!
this time we made wreaths!
even nanna joined in on the fun. this is us taking over the kitchen with fabric, hot glue and much more.
i loved the red and robins egg blue that allison choose, so stinkin cute
just more fabric
this is mine. it looks a lot better with the ribbon hanging in my apartment but i haven't taken a picture of it yet. i attempted burning the flowers and i loved how it turned out. so easy and so fun!
i choose yellow, blue, and cream so not to be too girly...the first thing spence said
"i think it needs some pink" i know seriously, he wanted pink!
we had so much fun gluing, chatting, laughing, and crafting for girls night. boy do i love girls nights!
cute! i love the wreath :)