for the past four months you have been my home. since the moment i stepped into your walls i've felt at home. thank you for opening your heart up to me. thank you for accepting me for the way i am. i've loved your beauty, your people, your culture, your history, your smells (both bad and good), your colors, your good moments and your bad ones. oh jerusalem you have taught me more than i could have ever imagined. my life has been changed because of you.
i am a better person because of you.
i'm leaving tonight. i never imagined this day would come and yet it came anyways. i may cry, i may not, you may miss me, you may not, but this is true: i will surely miss you.
while i am gone please be kind to your people. fill their hearts with kindness and understanding. help bring peace to this country that needs it so badly. there is so much love here in this beautiful land, i pray that it continues and that it grows.
my bags are packed, all four of them (yes i helped your economy to grow), i'm wearing my sweat pants preparing for a long flight, and yet i can't let myself believe the sad reality that falls before me. jerusalem, as i step outside of my 'little' home on the hill to head to another 'home' i want you to know that i am leaving a piece of heart with you. my hope is that one day i'll return back to you but if i don't please keep my heart with you.
it may not be much but i hope i've left my mark in even the smallest ways. oh jerusalem i will never forget you. my life is richer, fuller and better because of you. please don't forget me.
jerusalem i love you. you will never know the full impact you have had on my life.
keep my heart close to you forever my jerusalem and i will do the same.
thank you for the best summer of my life.
forever yours,
syd, now that you are home we should definitely get together & catch up! have a little jr high reuion or something! my sis who got back from jerusalem in may is leaving on her mission soon so we should get together & you two can share pictures and stories!